Ode to Jana Fleming...

Some Newness.....

Some more Newness....
Ok..Lets try this again.....Post # 1 was somehow dumped into cyberspace..by the "I eat up blogs monstor".
I know this is a subject that have been blogged about a kazillion times, but as the owner of a store called BLANG!!!, I feel I owe it to myself to say a few words on the subject. Now don't get me wrong..I don't think bling should be of the sort to duplicate the lights on 42nd Street in NY. I do however like a little shine to my jewels. Now I have made customs in the past that would light any home and highway at the request of the customer. Custom means exactly that..I will make it to "your" requests. My own taste tends to be a little more subtle. I find that as I get older I perfer to shine more on the inside. First I have to state that all the bling I use in my creations is on a channel, so no shouting out "Bling Off" in a room, and you do have the option to turn it off.
So dont let the name BLANG!!! turn you off completely...I like the name, its a attention getter to say the least. Instead I challenge all the non bling lovers to take a trip to my store and check out my selection, there is variety there for everyone (at least I like to think that).
I also want to add a big thank you to one lady who gave me the ummph!! to even write this blog..that would be one classy lady by the name of Jana Fleming. We go wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back, and she has always been such a good and supporting friend to me. As a tribute to her friendship, I named a pair of my shoes after her (check out the pics that I will attempt to add). Anyone who knows Jana..knows she is a shoe ADDICT!!! So thanks Jana :)
I happen to like the stuff I create, and hopefully the SL population will too...:)
1 comment:
you've been tagged courtesy of Jana Fleming. check it out http://fetishboutique.squarespace.com/
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